Sunday, December 4, 2016

ChristmaS in IndonesiA

In early December, huge Christmas trees with beautiful and colorful decorations can be found in most shopping malls in big cities all over the country.

In Indonesia, Santa Claus is also very popular and is called 'Sinterklas' (that's because Indonesia used to be ruled by the Dutch). Sinterklas brings gifts to children on Christmas day - and you may also see him at the mall, etc! Exchanging gifts is common among Christians in Indonesia.
Chrismas in Mall

Although Christianity is the second largest religion in Indonesia, the community only a minority in Indonesia. About 10% of Indonesia's population is registered as a Christian, an absolute percentage includes approximately 23.5 million people

Indonesian Christians usually go to a church service on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In most churches and cathedrals, the scene tells about the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas tree in Indonesia usually artificial ones made of plastic. Although less common, some people have a real pine tree to be decorated as a Christmas tree.

Popular Christmas songs in Indonesia including 'Silent Night' (the Indonesian version of 'O Holy Night') and 'Holy Night' (the Indonesian version of 'Silent Night'). The songs were usually sung on Christmas Eve in church choir during the service by candlelight, when people think about the Christmas story.

Most Indonesian television channel broadcast a Christmas-themed concert. An annual Christmas celebration event, organized by the Government of Indonesia, always broadcast by television channels




Thursday, December 1, 2016

Santa Claus

Santa, . , Santa, . , Santa, . , Santa Claus, . , Santa Claus, . ,

SantaClaus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure of Western culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved good children on Christmas Eve and the early morning hours of Christmas Day.
The modern Santa Claus grew out of traditions surrounding the historical Saint Nicholas, a fourth century Greek bishop

SantaClaus is generally depicted as a portly, joyous, white bearded man sometimes with spectacles wearing a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, white fur cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots and who carries a bag full of gifts for children.

What gifts would want this year? and why?

5 Most Unique Christmas Tree in the World

Want to see how the forms of the most unique Christmas tree in the world, from which are made of pure gold, diamond, made up of food ...?

1. Christmas Tree of Gold 
Christmas Tree of Gold With a height of about 2.5 meters, this Christmas tree made of pure gold composition of heart-shaped 60 and 100 tape. The total cost of making and pure gold mounted on a Christmas tree is valued at about 2 million USD. The Christmas tree is an idea from jewelers 'Ginza Tanaka' in Tokyo, Japan that they created in 2006. Created by 15 craftsmen over four months to spend 12 kg of pure gold. The tree is made not to sell but to attract visitors to visit crowded into the jewelry store.

2. Chocolate Christmas Tree
Patrick Roger, meilleur ouvrier de France, 2010 created a 10 meter high chocolate 'tree' Christmas to raise money for the French annual Telethon. The artist and his team work for one month in this wonderful project that four tons of weight. Impressive 'tree' was accompanied by figures like the legendary Christmas Santa Claus and his reindeer, all made from delicious dark chocolate. Roger idea was to create a winter wonderland, which should be fun and intrigue adults and children.

Is not this Christmas 'tree' find ... delicious?
French chocolatiers never ceases to amaze us with their reviews of art, passion and colossal chocolate creations

3. Diamond Christmas Tree
Soo Kee Jewellery came first with the idea of creating a Diamond Christmas ‘tree’. This magnificent creation is literally worth a million bucks, since it’s one of the world’s most expensive Christmas trees. Encrusted with thousands of dazzling diamonds totaling 913 carats, 3,762 delicate crystal beads and decorated with almost 500 lights,  the ‘tree’ weighted more than 3000 kg. Its value has been estimated at US $1,550,000 in 2007.

The most expensive Christmas tree is actually a sixteen inches tall miniature tree worth $1,800,000. It is composed of preserved roses festooned with precious diamonds. The Christmas ‘tree’ was available to buy at Takashimaya, one of the largest department stores in Singapore.

4. Sushi Christmas Tree
Made of arrangement sushi, this Christmas tree can really make the Christmas party can be full participants. The visitors could spend this sushi after Christmas party took place. This unique idea was apparently made by a resto Sushi in Japan.

5. Waste Plastic Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree outside the Museum of History in Monterrey Mexico December 4 2015 has been made of plastic and waste plastic hamper. The beautiful red Christmas tree made from recycled waste Convey basically two messages to the world.One is about environmental awareness

what else is unique on the Christmas tree at Christmas in 2016 ??? Let's wait and see!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016



Christmas is a Christian holiday which is celebrated annually by Christians on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ

Christmas story comes from the Gospel of St. Luke and St. Matthew in the New Testament. According to Luke, an angel giving itself to the shepherds outside Bethlehem and told them of the birth of Jesus. Matthew also tells how the wise men, called the Magi, followed a bright star that showed them where Jesus is

Variety tradition of celebrating Advent. For most Christians, Advent peaking on the night before Christmas (Christmas Eve), December 24. Churches are decorated with candles, lights, and green leaves

Christmas Day custom to exchange gifts with relatives and friends on Christmas day the possibility began in Ancient Rome and Northern Europe. In these areas, people give gifts to one another as part of the celebration of the end year..and present in many of the world celebrates

So and  
     Merry Christmas