Sunday, December 4, 2016

ChristmaS in IndonesiA

In early December, huge Christmas trees with beautiful and colorful decorations can be found in most shopping malls in big cities all over the country.

In Indonesia, Santa Claus is also very popular and is called 'Sinterklas' (that's because Indonesia used to be ruled by the Dutch). Sinterklas brings gifts to children on Christmas day - and you may also see him at the mall, etc! Exchanging gifts is common among Christians in Indonesia.
Chrismas in Mall

Although Christianity is the second largest religion in Indonesia, the community only a minority in Indonesia. About 10% of Indonesia's population is registered as a Christian, an absolute percentage includes approximately 23.5 million people

Indonesian Christians usually go to a church service on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In most churches and cathedrals, the scene tells about the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas tree in Indonesia usually artificial ones made of plastic. Although less common, some people have a real pine tree to be decorated as a Christmas tree.

Popular Christmas songs in Indonesia including 'Silent Night' (the Indonesian version of 'O Holy Night') and 'Holy Night' (the Indonesian version of 'Silent Night'). The songs were usually sung on Christmas Eve in church choir during the service by candlelight, when people think about the Christmas story.

Most Indonesian television channel broadcast a Christmas-themed concert. An annual Christmas celebration event, organized by the Government of Indonesia, always broadcast by television channels




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